Celine Evangelista Photo

Celine Evangelista or commonly called Celine was born in Italy, 2 April 1992. SHe is known as an advertising model, soap star and the big screen, while also starring in the video clip.

Celine Evangelista Show Sexy No Search Popularity

For Celine Evangelista look sexy in the movie is not for search popularity. SHe's just trying to appear as demanded by all. If it was just looking for popularity, says this Italian virgin birth, not only in the movies only, can in many ways.

"As adult men's magazine photo shoot, it's sexy and I do not want too much because it could damage the image. So I had several bids rejected several times," she said.

As seen in the FX Plaza Jakarta, Tuesday (21 / 7), Celine declare a mark on the world of acting as a hobby. But he did not deny in the world that they do indeed now have commercial value. In fact he was willing to stop focusing on her school.

"I just graduated from homeschooling, for while I focus here first, did not know until when. I have not had a shadow. I'm serious here," she admits.

As a self-taught player who learned, Celine had starred in soap operas THIS taste. SHe was absorbed in finding her world. "I'm happy here, if popularity can be reached by any road," she concluded.
(source: fotcel.blogspot.com)
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