Lindsay Lohan: Zero Tolerance Policy

Lindsay Lohan was released from rehab earlier today.

So ... now what?

Her attorney, Shawn Chapman Holley, met with the district attorney's office and Judge Elden Fox to hammer out the terms of her newfound freedom.

She's a Fighter

VICTORY!! For now. But one slip-up and Lindsay Lohan's screwed.

Term #1: She's not going anywhere. Lindsay must remain in California and reside at her W. Hollywood home until her next court date, November 1.

If she can obey the modified terms of her probation, she will be allowed to move out of state after that point. But ... come on. It's Lindsay Lohan.

Here's what she has to do in order to be in compliance ...

    * Remain in California with Los Angeles her primary residence
    * Undergo psychiatric treatment at least four times weekly
    * Contact her dependency counselor seven times a week
    * Attend a behavioral therapy session at least twice a week
    * Submit to random drug and alcohol testing twice per week
    * Chapman must provide biweekly compliance reports to court
    * Attend dependency meetings (Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous) at least five times a week as part of a 12-step program

"She is not to miss any drug tests," Fox said after confirming Lohan was released from the Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at the UCLA Medical Center.

"Her attorney must provide the court biweekly statements that these requirements are met. Any missed tests or violations will result in 30 days in jail."

Holley says Lindsay Lohan is on straight and narrow - for good.

"She is very serious about her sobriety," she said. "She looks forward to proving that she is serious. She is going to move forward in a positive way."

"We're happy with the court's ruling today. The past is dead."  (thehollywoodgossip)
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