6 Celebrities Who Should Never, Ever Have Children

There are some people out there who are not suited to being parents. In the world of celebrities, where the spotlight in on all the time, parents like Brittney and Joan are simply unfit to do the dirty work of parenting. While both Ms. Spears and Ms. Crawford have taken a serious bashing over their parenting skills over the years, they are certainly not the only celebrities who should be refused the right to procreate.

Lindsay Lohan
Such an adorable child herself, Lindsay has grown up to be a bit of a drugged out, too-thin publicity wench. If she can’t keep herself in line, how in the world will she be able to raise productive members of society. Besides, what would she name the baby? Cocaine?

Paris Hilton
Pretty? Yes. Successful? In a word. But Paris Hilton is lacking some of the more fundamental aspects a parent should have – empathy and intelligence spring to mind immediately. She who is stuck in a perpetual state of spoiled childhood should stay there by herself and not drag a baby into the mix.

Dustin Diamond

A parent must have some bit of selflessness to properly raise a child. After all, who besides the parent is going to instill all the right attributes into the child? Dustin Diamond, while a clever Screech, hasn’t been able to look beyond himself for some time. Dustin has allegedly dabbled in fraud. He’s made a lousy sex tape. He’s made an ass of himself more times than we can count in search of publicity and fame that seems to simply elude him. Does he need a child? Hell, no.

A woman who gets beat up, stays friends with the guy and even defends him a bit doesn’t need to be producing children. That’s not to mention the fact that Rhianna has been known to take and share her own nude photographs with the world. Definitely something her child would want to discuss with friends over the lunch table some day.

Chris Brown
While we’re on the topic of Rihanna, we might as well forbid Chris Brown from having children either. Known to fly off the handle and living a life that’s a bit hardcore for most school children, Chris Brown should stick to making public apologies and focus more on preventing domestic abuse than starting an entirely new round of it.
Megan Fox
Men would say Megan should avoid children to keep that amazing figure. But listen to the girl for a bit and anyone would agree that, while stunning, she simply isn’t well suited to parenting – at least not now. Right now there’s only room for one Fox in that gigantic ego.
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