HottHe of the Week...Ashley

Blondes and a Bright White Smile, does it get any more picture perfect then Ashely? No, it doesn't. She isn't your typically hot girl, shes more cute hot. Not sure if she is just the happiest girl in the world but Ashley is smiling in every single picture He found of her. Then again if you had a smile like that you'd either be in a crest commercial or smiling in every picture taken of you too. Heels, legs and a smile were the key to winning He over here, well that and her style is very He Approved.

How would you describe your style: I would describe my style as "changing according to the mood" and believe me I have a lot of moods, but mostly I love to feel comfortable but sexy :)

Favorite item you own? My favorite items, I own, would be all my shoes- I could own a million shoes but I always want more :P

Who are your favorite designers: umm.. when it comes to designers, I like a designer that brings you an edge and a roughness. Key words: Leather, feathers, chic, classic - with words like these combined, this is the type of designer I find myself leaning towards. Most Italian designers tend to fall into these categories. :)

HE Needs More HottHes? Non-Bloggers and Bloggers wanted, please be Hot and Stylish and most importantly He Approved. Send NOMINATIONS, facebook link, and where you are from to or Add He as a Facebook Friend.
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