Miley Cyrus, Mother Raise Cancer Awareness

Miley Cyrus, Mother Raise Cancer Awareness

It pains us when we can't mock Miley Cyrus.
Fortunately, the singer gave us (and the Parents' Television Council) plenty to go on about in her new music video.

But mother Tish Cyrus recently spoke to USA Today about how she and her daughter got involved with City of Hope's "All In Week" last week to raise cancer awareness among mothers and young women. We can only give them props for that action.

Tish and Miley

"It's scary when you have girls, and you hear how many women of all ages, including the young, are affected by cancer every year," said Tish, who lost her father and grandmother to the disease.
Elsewhere in the article, Miley's mom talked about her and her family's involvement in this important cause. Excerpts from the interview follow:

On City of Hope: Children's cancer was something that Miley was really passionate about. It's so devastating to see how many people are affected by cancer every year. One of the first things Miley did with City of Hope was to team up with Disney on The Concert for Hope at the Gibson Amphitheatre with the Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato. For each ticket sold, $1 was given to City of Hope. I believe she raised over $1 million.

On settling an example: Miley has always believed that if we all do something small, you can make a huge difference. When visiting a children's hospital at home in Tennessee or being involved with City of Hope, it's about getting out to spread that message. Also, teens can make a difference by setting an example for young kids. That's been the case with our youngest, Noah, who's 10. She looks up to Brandi and Miley and the work they do. She's planning to go to Haiti for a mission trip.

On who inspires Miley: Her dad. In the early '90s when he was touring, we'd do 290 shows in 350 days, and I never remember one when he didn't spend time with special-needs kids, meeting them after the show. He'd also give all the gifts he'd been given at each show to local children's hospitals, even if he had to drop them off at midnight. Miley was just a little girl then, but those things she remembers. (thehollywoodgossip)
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