FashionTalk by He...Kolae

Remember that amazing brand Kolae He introduced you to a while back? Well the new collection was just released for Fall 2011 and He caught up with head designer Cameron to discuss the brand, the collection and life.

He: Describe Kolae in one word?

He: What made you decide to start your own clothing line?
As a designer it is something that I think all of us dream about. Working for yourself and having the creative freedom to design and bring to life what is 100% your vision instead of somebody else's is the best feeling in the world. But to be honest, it was all about the right timing and meeting the perfect partner. Everything kind of just fell into place.

He: Who is the Kolae girl?
The Kolae girl is an independent, fashion forward, risk taker. She is cosmopolitan, edgy and sexy, but above all she is confident.

He: What are some upcoming trends the readers should be aware of?
Definitely look out for wide legged pants (in my opinion the wider the better).

Maxi dresses are going to be bigger than ever. The thing I love about Maxi's is that it is so easy to dress up or down or wear day and night... and you will always get noticed and be remembered more in a maxi dress then almost any other piece of clothing.

I'm also obsessed now with any sort of cut-outs in clothing. Cut-out backs, sides, shoulders.... you name it. A small cut-out on a garment can make any piece go from boring to interesting and that extra little exposure of skin can be so sexy. For this Fall 2011 Collection I really embraced playing with the placements of the cut-outs. However, there is such thing as too much cut-out...** Do NOT think Julia Roberts in the 1st scene in Pretty women.

He: One piece of clothing you cannot live without?
The Estelle Maxi Dress. I know it may sound conceded, but it's true. It was our best seller from our Spring 2011 Collection and continues to be our best seller for Summer and Fall. It is just so easy and literally looks amazing on EVERYONE!! Everybody who has bought one comes back and buys every other color. I literally live in mine. We even did a short version (Estelle Mini Dress) for this collection due to the high demand, so that may be my next piece I can't live without.

He: Who and what inspires you? Favorite designers?
I am consistently inspired by so many different things it's hard to just name a few. My travels, music, New York City are always keeping my ideas flowing. To be completely honest, I used to be obsessed with keeping up with all the new designers, trends, blogs, etc. However, I am so busy now that I am about 2 months behind in all my fashion magazines and the last time I went shopping was.... I don't even remember. Terrible I know.

He: What is the biggest mistake people make in fashion?
Trying to combine too many trends into one outfit.

He: In your opinion, whats the biggest "fashion faux pas?"
Leaving your home in sweats. You don't need to dress up every time you leave the house, but is it really too hard to replace your sweats with leggings or jeans? It just shows pure laziness. You never know who you might meet, even if you're just going to the grocery store or getting on a plane.

He: Whats the best advice you can give the readers about style and fashion?
Just be yourself. It isn't so important to follow trends. In fact, most of the time I am inspired by those who don't. They are just more interesting. You have to be comfortable in what you are wearing otherwise no matter what it is it isn't going to look good. If you are confident and feel good you will look good.

He: Are granny panties ever acceptable?
NEVER... EVER. Haven't owned a pair since 6th grade probably. Boy shorts are okay every once in a while though.

He: He believes heels are a must, what are you thoughts?
6" or higher for me. But on the occasions you have to wear flats... Please make sure they are FLAT I can't stand the kitten heel thing (I know it is supposedly back in style, but I will never understand it).

He: If you could have your clothes appear on the floor of one celebrity sex tape, who's would it be?
Well it would have to be a sex tape that I would want to watch. I would have to say Katy Perry. Probably more because of Russell Brand than her, but I think Katy has all the qualities that the Kolae girl should have. She is definitely comfortable in her own skin. She isn't afraid to be a little different and edgy. Her confidence makes her sexy and that would probably make for a pretty entertaining sex tape if you ask me.
He: How do you select your models?
We have done model castings with girls from all the big agencies. The most important thing is the model's attitude and confidence. We have been working with the same Model, Veronika (Ford Models), for 3 seasons now and she just has this way about her that is exactly how we invision the Kolae girl. We will probably continue to with her until she is sick of us.

He: What does the future hold for Kolae?
We will just have to wait and see, but you will definitely be seeing more of us!

He: Where can we buy the Kolae collection?
When we launched in Fall 2010 we attracted a very international crowd. We can be found in stores in London, Dubai, Beirut, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Tel Aviv, as well as stores across the country. Online right now you can buy our Spring 2011 Collection on (they will be adding many more pieces in the next couple weeks, so also look out for that),,, and For the closest store near you feel free to email us at

He: Any famous last words?
This is only the beginning!

Want your brand/collection to be featured in the next FashionTALK by He - email Fashion by He for more info.
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