FashionTalk by He...TuckWear

tuck wear fashion by he
He is always out searching for the next big designer, brand and styles you should know about. As King of Fashion, nothing gets done without He's Approval. While many of you might just be learning about TuckWear, well He is one step ahead of you. Not only did He find Missy the HottHe of the Week, but guess who also happens to be the Tuckwear model? That's right a FbyHe's HottHe. Definitely some cool stuff in the collection, that everyone should check out. Here is the FashionTalk by He interview with Amy of Tuckwear.

He: What is TuckWear?

Tuckwear is a stylish shape wear alternative that provides a sleek and sexy silhouette at an affordable price. The pieces are versatile, and can be worn alone or as a shaping undergarment.

He: What made you decide to start your own line?
In college I could never find the perfect black tube top or mini skirt -- let alone one with a reasonable price tag. I was always spending the most money on accessories, so I wanted basics that were fairly priced.

He: TuckWear outter-wear or underwear?
All of the products are intended to "tuck you in" using double layered spandex, and are meant to look flattering worn both on their own, and underneath your outfit.

He: What are some styling tips when wearing TuckWear?
Since the design of the clothing is so versatile, you can mix and match with your personal favorites or just wear them on their own. To me, nothing is sexier than a simple black tube tuck with a pair of high-waisted jeans and heels, or the tube dress paired with black tights and a sheer blouse on top.

He: What is the biggest mistake people make in fashion?
Some styles don’t suit every body. Stick to what looks best on you, and when in doubt – go with basics and spice them up with accessories.

He: In your opinion, whats the biggest "fashion faux pas?"
Harem pants

He: If you could have your clothes appear on the floor of one celebrity sex tape, who's would it be?
Megan Fox for sure!

He: Are granny panties ever okay?
Yes. On women over the age of 87.

He: What does the future hold for TuckWear?
We are going to continue to produce high quality basic essentials for women at affordable prices.

He: Where can we buy TuckWear? and at select boutiques in NY and Florida.

Got suggestions for questions He should ask the next designer? Want to see your brand featured? Email fashionbyhe at for details.
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