Revolve Clothing Makes He Sick...

He is the first one to tell you, He likes skinny girls. Not hating on anyone right now, but there is skinny and then there is skinny. Girls must eat. Fact. No one wants bones, its not attractive. The model is hot, don't get He wrong, she would look amazing as He's arm candy, but not before this girl went to McDonald's for about 2 weeks straight.

As He has said before, if you pick a good looking model your clothing will look better. If you pick an ugly model, well your clothing will look like shit. Someone over at Revolve Clothing made a HUGE error in selecting this girl to be featured on their site. Not sure what the ArmHe thinks but how can you imagine how an outfit is going to look like on you, when you visually see it on a 75lb body?

P.S. Revolve might want to consider a Re-Shoot. He is available to help select a more qualified model.
Amazon Fashion Style